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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!
Posted by: Jo Poole
Date/Time: 11/05/18 13:22:00

What I see emerging at AHS is a Union that is causing as much harm to the reputation of the school in the local community as it can.

I find it unforgivable that striking teachers are targeting local primary schools (potential new parent and children of AHS) with incorrect facts leaflets, canvassing the High street, Acton Market Place and all the local train stations trying to galvanise local support. Obviously not the idea of someone who lives in the community!!

However, where is their support for our children who are looked at scornfully and being ridiculed on their way to and from school by children from other schools,  Our children  don't know from one day to the next whether they will have a teacher to teach them that day.  My year 7 daughter is tired of having to defend herself for her choice of school.

I find it irresponsible and in my opinion, arrogant that the union reps continue to call for strike action so near the TUPE being initiated, as well as not listening to their members, that I understand want to have another ballot to call off strike action.

Of course I don't want the school to be an academy, but that ship has sailed and the only way forward, for the sake of our kids and the continuity for education is for the ARK to take over and give our kids a good chance to succeed.  I do not believe that the ARK will change the school significantly, nor impose draconian Terms and conditions on on teachers, as it would not be in the best interests of current and future pupil success.

Silent Majority, you certainly are not!!!! I would have respect for you if you came out for the shadows.  You do the union a disservice!

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!07/05/18 20:17:00 Mil Bazelkova
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 00:03:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 14:18:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 17:45:00 Sophie Bevan
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 10:35:00 Chris Brennan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 10:41:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 19:46:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 20:06:00 Ann Smith
      Response to Ann re Ark at AHS10/05/18 18:18:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re: Real names please.09/05/18 20:33:00 Bob Little
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 21:46:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 15:52:00 Eddy Leviten
   Ark Elvin09/05/18 22:56:00 Tania Bapuji
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 22:54:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 23:22:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 23:50:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:00:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:00:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:53:00 Ansa Sheikh
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 08:28:00 Eddy Leviten
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 11:36:00 Andy Jones
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:22:00 Jo Poole
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:34:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:00:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:43:00 Veronique van den Hof
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:58:00 Mark Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 15:54:00 Ansa Sheikh
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 16:28:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:34:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 16:01:00 Eddy Leviten
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 08:53:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 09:35:00 Ansa Sheikh
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 21:10:00 Mark Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 23:02:00 Ireen Esmann
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 11:55:00 Mark Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 18:06:00 Ireen Esmann
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 18:39:00 Ansa Sheikh
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 09:30:00 Mark Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 11:15:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 11:45:00 Ireen Esmann
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 14:38:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!15/05/18 11:07:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 17:34:00 Katharine Bourner
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 20:54:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!15/05/18 08:08:00 Mark Evans
   Stop the strikes!15/05/18 09:01:00 Mil Bazelkova
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 12:40:00 Adam Starkey
      Stop the strikes!16/05/18 14:07:00 Mil Bazelkova
         Re:Stop the strikes!16/05/18 14:18:00 Ansa Sheikh
            Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 16:25:00 Mil Bazelkova
               Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 17:51:00 Ansa Sheikh
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 17:56:00 Ansa Sheikh
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 18:10:00 Jo Poole
               Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 18:14:00 Eddy Leviten
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/05/18 09:44:00 Debbie Carmichael
      A breath of fresh air19/05/18 08:43:00 Mil Bazelkova
      A breath of fresh air19/05/18 08:43:00 Mil Bazelkova
         Re:A breath of fresh air19/05/18 09:02:00 Ansa Sheikh
            Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 08:14:00 Tania Bapuji
               Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 09:08:00 Ansa Sheikh
               Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 09:15:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air05/07/18 10:41:00 Paul Webster
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 06:14:00 Simone Smith
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 08:33:00 Tania Bapuji
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 17:42:00 Chris Hurley
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 20:26:00 Debbie Carmichael
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!21/09/18 15:59:00 Chris Hurley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 00:31:00 Ansa Sheikh
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 10:30:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 13:07:00 Rosco White
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!25/09/18 10:48:00 Kim Bobsin
                              Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it is turning to be!27/09/18 21:32:00 Mil Bazelkova
                                 Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it is turning to be!28/09/18 12:00:00 Ansa Sheikh

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