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Topic: Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!
Posted by: Ann Smith
Date/Time: 09/05/18 20:06:00

I feel like I need to reply to everyone here. You are all right to suggest that the school needs to change - for too long it has been run badly with poor procedures, behaviour, safeguarding and results. This led to the inadequate Ofsted rating showing a complete failure in every aspect of the school - the rating was entirely deserved. It should be noted that Ofsted focused their classroom observations on supply and newly qualified teachers - if you were cynical you could say deliberately. Teachers at AHS have worked under very challenging circumstances with very challenging pupils for some time. The pupils are part of the reason the job can be rewarding, poor management though is intolerable particularly when it affects pupils as it ultimately does, whether through dangerous corridors or disrupted lessons.

When Ark arrived it immediately said the current head and deputy (at the time) would remain. This was unacceptable to NEU members as we had issues with the way they were running the school and their conduct both in and out of school - as did a growing number of parents. As you know the head and deputy have since been removed from the school. Ark also stated they knew nothing about the school so we were dubious of their intentions and ability to improve pupil outcomes. They will also open another school on Gunnersbury Lane - hardly a sign that they are fully committed to AHS.

Ark does not publish its staff retention rate as it is poor. AHS staff visited two Ark schools in the area and noted that very few original staff remained in the years after Ark takeovers. Ark's policies see to that. Good staff will leave and pupils will be taught by young trainees and unqualified assistants - cheaper, keen to follow management instructions (however bad) and on Ark's new contracts that do not comply with current, national teachers' pay and conditions. Staff are already leaving because of what is coming. I think parents need to be aware of this.

You may feel Ark is the answer and I understand that after the mess the school has got itself into. It is, however, the only option on offer which is never a good way to make such an important decision. The NEU wants time to improve the school, within Ealing LA, to get more academy sponsors to the table. A better sponsor can then be chosen. A sponsor that treats staff as professionals and respects their employment rights and work-life balance is one that nurtures well-being and morale. That leads to enthusiastic and engaging teachers delivering outstanding lessons. The Ark model cannot achieve this. In time you will see excellent teachers disappear and a narrow, academic, exam-focused curriculum emerge.

I've tried to be fair here and counter some of the misinformation you have whilst addressing some concerns. It may work for you on paper and it may work in practice just long enough to get your child through in some subjects but Ark threatens the survival of a comprehensive, community school that is there for all which you mention attracted you to the school in the first place just as it did those that work there.

Please come to the public meeting on 16th May 6:45PM, St Mary’s Church, 1 The Mount, W3 9NW (Opposite Morrisons) where people will be happy to talk to you about your concerns. Ultimately we all want the same thing - young people learning and making the best of themselves and others. We don't think Ark is the way to do this.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!07/05/18 20:17:00 Mil Bazelkova
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 00:03:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 14:18:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 17:45:00 Sophie Bevan
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 10:35:00 Chris Brennan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 10:41:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 19:46:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 20:06:00 Ann Smith
      Response to Ann re Ark at AHS10/05/18 18:18:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re: Real names please.09/05/18 20:33:00 Bob Little
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!09/05/18 21:46:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 15:52:00 Eddy Leviten
   Ark Elvin09/05/18 22:56:00 Tania Bapuji
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 22:54:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 23:22:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!10/05/18 23:50:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:00:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:00:00 Mil Bazelkova
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 07:53:00 Ansa Sheikh
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 08:28:00 Eddy Leviten
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 11:36:00 Andy Jones
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:22:00 Jo Poole
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:34:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 13:00:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:43:00 Veronique van den Hof
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:58:00 Mark Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 15:54:00 Ansa Sheikh
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 16:28:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 14:34:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!11/05/18 16:01:00 Eddy Leviten
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 08:53:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 09:35:00 Ansa Sheikh
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 21:10:00 Mark Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!12/05/18 23:02:00 Ireen Esmann
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 11:55:00 Mark Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 18:06:00 Ireen Esmann
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!13/05/18 18:39:00 Ansa Sheikh
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 09:30:00 Mark Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 11:15:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 11:45:00 Ireen Esmann
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 14:38:00 Debbie Carmichael
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!15/05/18 11:07:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 17:34:00 Katharine Bourner
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!14/05/18 20:54:00 Ireen Esmann
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!15/05/18 08:08:00 Mark Evans
   Stop the strikes!15/05/18 09:01:00 Mil Bazelkova
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!16/05/18 12:40:00 Adam Starkey
      Stop the strikes!16/05/18 14:07:00 Mil Bazelkova
         Re:Stop the strikes!16/05/18 14:18:00 Ansa Sheikh
            Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 16:25:00 Mil Bazelkova
               Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 17:51:00 Ansa Sheikh
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 17:56:00 Ansa Sheikh
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 18:10:00 Jo Poole
               Re:Re:Re:Stop the strikes!17/05/18 18:14:00 Eddy Leviten
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/05/18 09:44:00 Debbie Carmichael
      A breath of fresh air19/05/18 08:43:00 Mil Bazelkova
      A breath of fresh air19/05/18 08:43:00 Mil Bazelkova
         Re:A breath of fresh air19/05/18 09:02:00 Ansa Sheikh
            Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 08:14:00 Tania Bapuji
               Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 09:08:00 Ansa Sheikh
               Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air21/05/18 09:15:00 Ansa Sheikh
   Re:Re:Re:A breath of fresh air05/07/18 10:41:00 Paul Webster
   Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 06:14:00 Simone Smith
      Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 08:33:00 Tania Bapuji
         Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 17:42:00 Chris Hurley
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!18/07/18 20:26:00 Debbie Carmichael
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!21/09/18 15:59:00 Chris Hurley
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 00:31:00 Ansa Sheikh
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 10:30:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!22/09/18 13:07:00 Rosco White
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it may be!25/09/18 10:48:00 Kim Bobsin
                              Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it is turning to be!27/09/18 21:32:00 Mil Bazelkova
                                 Re:Acton High School-one parent's perspective on what a better school it is turning to be!28/09/18 12:00:00 Ansa Sheikh

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