Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?
Posted by: Paresh Chandarana
Date/Time: 19/11/06 20:37:00

Simon you are so young and this is what the future is! On the forum if you read T Beme's response,  He/she thinks that what police sergeant Nigel Charlton did was spectacular and cunning- how sad!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 20:56:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:31:00 Peter Todd
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:52:00 T Beme
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 09:14:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:42:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:23:00 Nicholas Shaw
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:49:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:25:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:04:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:44:00 Simon Jovanovic
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 16:27:00 Angela White
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 21:05:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:58:00 T Beme
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?20/11/06 23:01:00 Paresh Chandarana
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 20:46:00 Paresh Chandarana
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 21:52:00 Sara Nathan
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?25/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana

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