Forum Message

Topic: Re:Is honesty the best policy?
Posted by: Peter Todd
Date/Time: 17/11/06 23:31:00

Is honesty the best policy? Of course, unless the inference of your question is that perhaps its best to deceive...If that is actually your view then this adds to the discredit of your drink driving conviction, and further to defaming a police officer who is only carrying out his duty. None of this is likely to add much to the reputation of the "Shakespeare Superstore" in Shakespeare Road. You have won the prize for the most ill-judged posting on!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 20:56:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:31:00 Peter Todd
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:52:00 T Beme
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 09:14:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:42:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:23:00 Nicholas Shaw
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:49:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:25:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:04:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:44:00 Simon Jovanovic
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 16:27:00 Angela White
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 21:05:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:58:00 T Beme
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?20/11/06 23:01:00 Paresh Chandarana
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 20:46:00 Paresh Chandarana
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 21:52:00 Sara Nathan
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?25/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana

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