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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?
Posted by: Paresh Chandarana
Date/Time: 18/11/06 19:42:00

Dear Sara
Thank you for understanding my frustration.  In this day and age where the police need all the help of the public for terrorism, how do they expect the public to help them as when you tell them the truth they hold it against you? 
A police inspector, namely Phil Sanders, came to see me with reference to this case and admitted that the police were wrong and all the systems had failed me.  He asked me to reapply for an off license license and said I would get and he even told me that if he was in charge of this case, he would have not gone as far as Nigel Charlton did.  I have this whole conversation on CCTV.
By the way Shakespeare Superstore is still live and kicking and the shop is open from 0800hrs to 1730hrs Monday to Friday.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 20:56:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:31:00 Peter Todd
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?17/11/06 23:52:00 T Beme
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 09:14:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:42:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:23:00 Nicholas Shaw
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:49:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:25:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 19:04:00 Paresh Chandarana
   Re:Is honesty the best policy?18/11/06 22:44:00 Simon Jovanovic
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 16:27:00 Angela White
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 21:05:00 Paresh Chandarana
      Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana
         Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?19/11/06 20:58:00 T Beme
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?20/11/06 23:01:00 Paresh Chandarana
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 20:46:00 Paresh Chandarana
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?24/11/06 21:52:00 Sara Nathan
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Is honesty the best policy?25/11/06 20:37:00 Paresh Chandarana

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