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Topic: Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils
Posted by: Joe Conneely
Date/Time: 20/02/21 14:56:00

It was a few years ago but I did a special project focussed around the Acton recycling site. During that I learnt that the levels of local usage (pre-Covid) was consistently most days very high as reflected in the long queues back onto the main road at certain days and times.

Also almost all of the stuff recycled is high turnover in that contracted firms come and remove the containers or dumps of items they recycle and pay the council for. Since Ealing had just then introduced the extra charge for house collection of garden rubbish this was especially popular.

Among the problems the small staff faced was stopping trades people who should go to Greenford because they were charged there as commercial operations (especially gardening contractors) and people from other boroughs.

None of the postings make any reference to that this might actually be a nice little earner for Ealing Council rather than a cost (I have not seen any figures quoted in any other announcements) plus given its geographical location in the middle of a busy industrial estate it is doubtful that social housing would be the intended future use?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre17/02/21 10:53:00 Libby Kemp
   Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre17/02/21 15:52:00 Julie Kaiser
      Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre17/02/21 16:22:00 Jon morris
         Re:Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre17/02/21 22:39:00 Sara Nathan
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre19/02/21 09:30:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre19/02/21 09:51:00 Tony Mansell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre19/02/21 10:44:00 Peter Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:The fate of Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre19/02/21 16:03:00 Nicolas Ozegovic
            Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils20/02/21 12:20:00 Donald Power
               Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils20/02/21 13:38:00 Rosco White
                  Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils20/02/21 14:56:00 Joe Conneely
                  Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils20/02/21 16:16:00 Donald Power
                     Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils20/02/21 17:10:00 Peter Evans
                        Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils24/02/21 23:07:00 Libby Kemp
                        Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils24/02/21 23:28:00 Anthony Hawran
                           Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils25/02/21 12:03:00 Keith Iddon
                           Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils25/02/21 19:45:00 Donald Power
                              Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils25/02/21 23:37:00 Maggie Dodge
                                 Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils26/02/21 09:40:00 Libby Kemp
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils26/02/21 16:31:00 Rosco White
                              Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils26/02/21 22:47:00 Anthony Hawran
                                 Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils03/03/21 22:37:00 Simon Hayes
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils03/03/21 22:41:00 Sara Nathan
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils04/03/21 16:12:00 Rosco White
                                          Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils11/03/21 17:52:00 Jean F Fernandez
                                             Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re: Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre - Westminster's Squeeze on Councils01/04/21 15:21:00 Philippa Bond
   Reply01/04/21 17:14:00 Tania Bapuji
      Re:Reply01/04/21 17:46:00 Jon morris
         Re:Re:Reply01/04/21 18:08:00 Libby Kemp

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