Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton
Posted by: Kal di Paola
Date/Time: 13/07/19 21:30:00

Hi Abdul,

How much, and what happens really depends on how many people get involved and make it happen. There will be plenty of opportunity to do so and you should consider getting in touch.

The first 5 walls will set the tone to act as a catalyst for future events and initiatives. Whilst we’ve had lots of individual support and pledges from both ealing council and the Mayor of London, we’d love to get more commitment from local businesses and community groups.

A long term strategy will be developed and communicated, now is the time to show support - we still have £12K to raise, if we don’t raise the total target,  we don’t get a penny of it, and it won’t happen. If you want to be involved, if you can help in anyway then please get in touch through the Spacehive page and talk to us directly.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Street Art - commitment to change Acton15/06/19 12:06:00 Clare Gittins
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton15/06/19 14:12:00 Libby Kemp
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton17/06/19 11:52:00 Nathan Macrides
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton17/06/19 12:06:00 Libby Kemp
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton20/06/19 10:27:00 Tony Mansell
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton20/06/19 12:44:00 James Walker
      Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton26/06/19 14:48:00 Lee Harding
         Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton01/07/19 23:04:00 Kal di Paola
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton01/07/19 23:48:00 Lee Harding
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton11/07/19 08:30:00 Kal di Paola
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton11/07/19 11:15:00 Tony Mansell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton11/07/19 12:40:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton11/07/19 20:51:00 Kal di Paola
   Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton13/07/19 02:11:00 Abdul Tailor
      Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton13/07/19 21:30:00 Kal di Paola
         Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton17/07/19 11:33:00 Libby Kemp
         Re:Re:Re:Street Art - commitment to change Acton27/07/19 23:08:00 Sara Nathan

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