Forum Message

Topic: Re:Advice please for a neighbour
Posted by: Jean F Fernandez
Date/Time: 14/01/25 19:41:00

Thank you for replying. I have passed on relevant information to my neighbor.

It is ridiculous that Utility companies expect customers to be on the internet. Also man people are not happy with direct debits.

Elderly people are being left behind!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Advice please for a neighbour14/01/25 14:33:00 Jean F Fernandez
   Re:Advice please for a neighbour14/01/25 14:44:00 Rosco White
   Reply14/01/25 17:19:00 Tania Bapuji
   Re:Advice please for a neighbour14/01/25 19:41:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:Advice please for a neighbour15/01/25 06:45:00 Nicholas Beard
         Re:Re:Re:Advice please for a neighbour15/01/25 14:07:00 Philippa Bond

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