Forum Message

Topic: Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia
Posted by: Tim Hess
Date/Time: 14/08/24 23:08:00

Completely agree Abdul that it’s important for our leaders to be calling out the Islamophobia that is at the heart of the recent riots- and all forms of racism wherever it shows up.

Really grateful that people like you are able to support others at such a difficult time for Muslims in Britain, including here in Acton. Particularly when you are being targeted yourself.

Take care

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia09/08/24 12:11:00 Abdul Maalik Tailor
   Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia11/08/24 11:24:00 Gareth Sinclair
      Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia11/08/24 11:58:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia12/08/24 09:18:00 Vlod Barchuk
         Re:Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia12/08/24 11:48:00 Keith Iddon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia12/08/24 22:27:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia14/08/24 13:41:00 Maria Ashe
         Re:Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia14/08/24 15:59:00 Keith Iddon
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia21/08/24 11:13:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia14/08/24 23:08:00 Tim Hess
      Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia21/08/24 14:44:00 Abdul Maalik Tailor
         Re:Re:Re:Leader of council fails to acknowledge Islamophobia21/09/24 15:58:00 Sara Nathan

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