Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Indian Restaurant
Posted by: Samantha Bower
Date/Time: 30/12/13 17:00:00

My vote would be for the Bombay Bistro on Uxbridge road if you would like something a little different. Slightly more 'modern' Indian. Had a great Coastal fish curry the other day and the Chicken Chethinad is delicious, as is the halloumi and mango starter.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Indian Restaurant30/12/13 09:52:00 Alison Taylor
   Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 10:34:00 Maire Lowe
      Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 11:01:00 Teresa Byrne
         Re:Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 11:20:00 Mark Bird
   Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 13:38:00 David P Archer
      Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 17:00:00 Samantha Bower
         Re:Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 23:18:00 Sara Nathan
   Re:Indian Restaurant31/12/13 12:12:00 Alison Taylor

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