Forum Message

Topic: Re:Indian Restaurant
Posted by: Maire Lowe
Date/Time: 30/12/13 10:34:00

I like the Taj on the Horn Lane end of Churchfield Road. BYO. We also like the Bombay on Acton High Street. Great starters there.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Indian Restaurant30/12/13 09:52:00 Alison Taylor
   Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 10:34:00 Maire Lowe
      Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 11:01:00 Teresa Byrne
         Re:Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 11:20:00 Mark Bird
   Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 13:38:00 David P Archer
      Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 17:00:00 Samantha Bower
         Re:Re:Re:Indian Restaurant30/12/13 23:18:00 Sara Nathan
   Re:Indian Restaurant31/12/13 12:12:00 Alison Taylor

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