Forum Message

Posted by: George Knox
Date/Time: 04/12/09 14:37:00

If you look at

You will see the Council is aiming to save £8.4 million next year and if you look at

you will see where the cuts would take place.  Very few of the too many top honchos who can get up to 20% bonuses are for the chop even though they get some £100,000+ per annum.

Some of the savings are to do with shutting down vacant posts, but some are certainly job losses. I wonder how frontline services will be affected. Council staff seem to up for a 1% pay rise, but the extension of the Council Service – namely the third sector in the borough will get nought. Yet another Tory bash at the vulnerable.

Seems that Social Services will be  hit as will other areas.

These papers were put before Cabinet on 1 December. There were endless documents ( which you can see) produced at this meeting, and with deafness and lousy acoustics in the Chamber I wonder how many Councillors have a clue as to what is going on.

I think that it was around July that the Tories forced the £6 million  backhander on us even though it was noted that many wanted the money spent on capital projects. The Tory excuse was they had run out of capacity. What they really had done was to impose their mental incapacity upon us in the cynical drive to catch extra voters at a price of £50 per head. In their continuing deafness they cannot respond to the question as to whether they followed the law in authorising the bribe to people who do not  pay council tax.

As Michael Portillo said last night, the Tories are getting jittery. I wonder why?

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COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 09:48:00 Richard Grange
   Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:14:00 Chris Hurley
      Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:26:00 Richard Grange
         Re:Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:28:00 Dee Cook
            Re:Re:Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:34:00 Richard Grange
      Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:33:00 Richard Grange
      Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 23:04:00 Mavis Walker
   Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 10:46:00 Helen Coleman
      Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 13:13:00 Libby Kemp
         Re:Re:Re:COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 13:47:00 Helen Coleman
            COUNCIL BUNG AND THE LOST 64 JOBS04/12/09 14:37:00 George Knox

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