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Topic: Re:Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.
Posted by: Rosco White
Date/Time: 02/07/24 19:59:00

I'm just pleased that West & North Acton are (seemingly) no longer unpatrolled backwaters. Quite rightly, we appear to now be commanding our fair share of attention and patrols.

In the past we were definitely unimportant and forgotten, being on the outermost edges of their patch.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 14:22:00 Rosco White
   Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 19:32:00 Mark Frost
      Re:Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 19:59:00 Rosco White

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