Forum Message

Topic: Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.
Posted by: Mark Frost
Date/Time: 02/07/24 19:32:00

You'll be delighted to know, Rosco, that I was the 'chosen one' in my street for a visit regarding said survey.
Lovely chap, though did ruin my watching Tadej Pogacar's interview, with an absolutely pointless, badly designed questionnaire. I did my best Rosco.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 14:22:00 Rosco White
   Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 19:32:00 Mark Frost
      Re:Re:Police Survey - Complete to assist focussing their activities in North Acton and nearby.02/07/24 19:59:00 Rosco White

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