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Topic: Re:Act on Computers very disappointing
Posted by: Ricardo Pelc-Wesoly
Date/Time: 27/02/12 16:24:00

In what way was the screen broke! Black screen upon boot more like Gpu grahics chip overheating, a few shops usually reheat the chip and apply new thermal paste lasts about 3 weeks,the chip will need to be reballed it's that or a new motherboard.
There are pro companys around that usually charge around 70-90 pounds for this service but honest ones are hard to find.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Act on Computers very disappointing26/02/12 22:35:00 Kathleen Kelber
   Re:Act on Computers very disappointing26/02/12 23:24:00 Nicola Howard
      Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing27/02/12 16:33:00 Kathleen Kelber
   Re:Act on Computers very disappointing27/02/12 16:24:00 Ricardo Pelc-Wesoly
      Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing27/02/12 17:14:00 Chris Bell
   Re:Act on Computers very disappointing29/02/12 17:05:00 Kathleen Kelber
      Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing29/02/12 21:51:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing01/03/12 12:36:00 Antony Obrien
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing01/03/12 14:05:00 Sara Nathan
   Re:Act on Computers very disappointing01/03/12 10:49:00 Acton Computers
      Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing01/03/12 10:53:00 Roger Foreman
   Re:Act on Computers very disappointing01/03/12 11:02:00 Kathleen Kelber
      Re:Re:Act on Computers very disappointing02/03/12 08:15:00 Chris Bell

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