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Topic: Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?
Posted by: Lorna Dodd
Date/Time: 02/11/09 15:39:00

I had a noisy altercation this lunchtime with a young man I watched driving down a one-way street the wrong way. We exchanged gesticulations and, to my amazement, he parked up and confronted me. As we were in my street, I was unwilling to go indoors and let him see where I live, so tried a neighbour (they were out) and then went back to the High Street for support.
Do you suppose I could see a single police officer or PCSO? Nary a one! Tried the police station (queue was out the door, so I didn't bother) and hovered around King Street in case the PCSOs were coming out of their hideyhole, but didn't see a single one. Having unloaded my story on a friend who works locally, I (cautiously) returned home and the young man and his car were gone.
What would anyone else have done? I wasn't carrying a phone so couldn't call anyone.
And the arrogance! I would never have argued with an older person the way he did! He wasn't really scary threatening, just threatening enough to make me cautious about revealing my address...
Very aggravating.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 15:39:00 Lorna Dodd
   Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 16:28:00 Dee Cook
   Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 16:39:00 ajit singh
      Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 10:29:00 Miriam Kerketta
   Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 18:26:00 Dan Crawford
   Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 19:44:00 Jeremy Thorpe-Woods
      Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?02/11/09 23:20:00 David Archer
         Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 09:49:00 Dee Cook
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 10:21:00 Lorna Dodd
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 13:04:00 Dee Cook
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 13:04:00 Dee Cook
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 21:06:00 Chris Bell
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?06/11/09 20:32:00 Chris Bell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 21:06:00 Chris Bell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 22:54:00 Sara Nathan
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?03/11/09 23:31:00 David Archer
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?04/11/09 19:07:00 Veki Pavlova
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?05/11/09 19:33:00 Sara Nathan
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Where are the police/PCSOs when you need them?05/11/09 22:38:00 Sara Nathan

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