Forum Message

Topic: Re:Street Art in Acton
Posted by: Fidel Angueira
Date/Time: 08/08/24 20:45:00

The murals have added colourful focal points around Acton. I have seen many passers-by taking selfies and even making videos in front of the Remi Rough at the back of Goldsmith House on Goldsmith Avenue.

You may want to contact who were the driving force behind

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Street Art in Acton 06/08/24 14:17:00 Beth Ward
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 12:45:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 18:49:00 Abdul Maalik Tailor
      Re:Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 20:45:00 Joanna Dudzinska
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 20:45:00 Fidel Angueira
      Re:Re:Street Art in Acton 09/08/24 10:55:00 Rosco White

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