Forum Message

Topic: Street Art in Acton
Posted by: Beth Ward
Date/Time: 06/08/24 14:17:00

Hi everyone,
I am currently in the process of conducting research for my University of Edinburgh dissertation which focuses on street in Acton.
As I am sure most of you are aware of, over the past decade, Acton has become home to multiple street art murals.
I would love to know local residents opinions of these murals. For example, have you noticed a change in the area and community since their introduction? Have you noticed an increase in graffiti since their introduction?
If anybody is willing to to have their opinions and stories anonymously included that would be amazing!
Whether you just drop a small paragraph below or are willing to partake in a short interview, it is all about getting the voices of the residents included.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Street Art in Acton 06/08/24 14:17:00 Beth Ward
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 12:45:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 18:49:00 Abdul Maalik Tailor
      Re:Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 20:45:00 Joanna Dudzinska
   Re:Street Art in Acton 08/08/24 20:45:00 Fidel Angueira
      Re:Re:Street Art in Acton 09/08/24 10:55:00 Rosco White

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