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Topic: Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase
Posted by: Rosco White
Date/Time: 11/05/23 15:44:00

Isabel R, I sympathise with your friend's unimaginably horrible and dire situation. Many of us feel very sorry for all the innocent people who have had Catalyst thrust upon them, it's not as if numerous "issues" weren't reported on and previously prophesied for quite some time.

Hard questions need to be asked and acceptable answers given regarding the deep connections running between Catalyst and LBE Councillors, Management and Staff.

But, of course, that will never happen - you/we are just Little People and Pawns.

I sincerely hope you and your friend didn't, (and won't) vote Local Council Labour.

I suggest there is only the legal option if you actually want anything much to happen. Following Complaints "procedures" plays directly into their hands and they can string you along for years.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 16:37:00 Maire Lowe
   Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 16:47:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 19:37:00 Maire Lowe
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 20:10:00 Chris Hurley
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 21:13:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase01/03/23 14:00:00 Anthony Hawran
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase01/03/23 14:02:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase20/03/23 16:18:00 Maire Lowe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase19/04/23 09:05:00 Rosco White
   Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase10/05/23 15:26:00 Isabel Razack
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase10/05/23 15:52:00 Maire Lowe
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase11/05/23 15:44:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase12/05/23 10:07:00 Isabel Razack
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase12/05/23 11:09:00 Rosco White
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase18/05/23 09:28:00 Mark Evans

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