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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase
Posted by: Rosco White
Date/Time: 28/02/23 21:13:00

Thank you Maire, as I thought.

And as for the LibDems, they are just "Labour Lite", they nearly always vote "Grant" for Towers and support their Labour "Brothers" on the Planning Committee.

Also, I think a bit of realism may be required here for "balance":-

1/ It's easy for a Labour Ward Councillor/s to speak out against a Development, if they're not actually on the Planning Committee. They have Zero influence.

2/ It's easy for a Conservative Ward Councillor/s to speak out against a Development, if they're severely outnumbered on the Planning Committee.

Finally, I am reminded of one Labour Ward Councillor, who was on the Planning Committee for quite a long time, and who always voted "Grant", especially for the myriad Towers. However as soon as they left the Planning Committee, they magically became a strong supporter of "Stop the Towers"!  😂

I don't think the good denizens of Ealing Borough who understand and appreciate what is going on have any faith any more in any of the parties at Council level in our Borough.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 16:37:00 Maire Lowe
   Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 16:47:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 19:37:00 Maire Lowe
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 20:10:00 Chris Hurley
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase28/02/23 21:13:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase01/03/23 14:00:00 Anthony Hawran
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase01/03/23 14:02:00 Anthony Hawran
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase20/03/23 16:18:00 Maire Lowe
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase19/04/23 09:05:00 Rosco White
   Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase10/05/23 15:26:00 Isabel Razack
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase10/05/23 15:52:00 Maire Lowe
      Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase11/05/23 15:44:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase12/05/23 10:07:00 Isabel Razack
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase12/05/23 11:09:00 Rosco White
            Re:Re:Re:Re:The Mayor and Tall buildings with only one staircase18/05/23 09:28:00 Mark Evans

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