Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park
Posted by: Nigel Powell
Date/Time: 06/02/25 13:10:00

I understand that according to Clause 6.3 Keying Errors, of the new Private Parking Sector Single Code of Practice, published in June 2024 -

"Where the terms and conditions require the driver to supply their vehicle registration mark at an on-site machine, by telephone or online, the parking operator must have and follow a documented policy and procedure to avoid issuing or enforcing a parking charge in respect of accidental keying errors."

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park24/01/25 00:59:00 Ana Strachan
   Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park25/01/25 06:34:00 Maire Lowe
      Re:Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park26/01/25 17:51:00 Susan Kelly
   Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park29/01/25 10:58:00 Chris Hurley
      Re:Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park05/02/25 16:46:00 Alan Fairchild
         Re:Re:Re:I got zero tolerance for my O for 0 typo at the car park06/02/25 13:10:00 Nigel Powell

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