Forum Message

Topic: South Acton ward priority survey
Posted by: Sgt Buckland
Date/Time: 18/01/25 13:39:00

The online ward priority survey is now open.

Please spare us a few moments to tell us what crime or anti-social behaviour is having an effect on the local community.

The survey results will be analysed and shared with the ward panel. This information will be used to decide the next set of ward priorities.

Ward priorities are set to address a specific issue within the ward. We will provide updates over the 3 month period and at the next ward panel.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
South Acton ward priority survey18/01/25 13:39:00 Sgt Buckland
   Re:South Acton ward priority survey06/02/25 21:17:00 Jen Thorndycraft

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