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Topic: Concrete debris in Morrisons car park
Posted by: Ewa lysakowska
Date/Time: 09/07/24 07:43:00

Please be aware of concrete curb pieces scattered in the car park of Morrison
Last week I went to shop in Morrisons, I parked my car and  I didn’t notice that in front of my bay  was a pile of concrete debris. As I got back to the car and tried to get out of the parking a massive pieces of concrete got lodged in my wheel destroying the engine cover, windscreen washer container and the break fluid wire. I went back to the shop as the car was completely stuck. A member of stuff came out of the shop and was really rather shocked as to what has happened. He admitted that they had reports about it before as in front of my car was a massive oil stain, which means someone else damaged their vehicle before me. I asked him why didn’t you cordon it off? He said we don’t do that and he did say that the car park doesn’t belong to them.
He filled in some sort of form, gave me no reference as he said there isn’t any. I asked for email or snap shot of the form, he’s said it’s a one off and once submitted it’s gone. He said someone will contact me within 24 h. Nothing happened. I called him twice in the next couple of days, he said I should contact my insurance and that was it! He also told me to call a Morrisons customer service, which basically deals with home deliveries and they couldn’t help me.
I have a disabled child and I really needed my vehicle and i was expecting Morrison to at least check if I sorted things out - but sadly they did NOT.
My husband drove by the other day and the debris has been moved to little pavements in between the bays so please be aware as it’s still there.
Really disappointed in customer service of the shop I have been using for good 15 years if not more.
I also want to use this post to say a very big thank you to Eugene a lovely man from a local business who came with all his tools and got the concrete slab out. Thank you so much

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