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Topic: Re:Re:Hard-working Afghan refugee seeks room to rent in or near Acton
Posted by: Sara Nathan
Date/Time: 18/05/24 16:53:00

So I found Dawood a room to rent in Ealing but my other guest, Saeed from Yemen - also a refugee - is looking too.

He’s been with me since November, so it’s time to move on. He is employed both as a videographer and as stage/exhibition crew, so can afford rent up to about £650 a month,

He’s just been accepted to study at Birkbeck College in the autumn, so is on his way and just needs somewhere settled to live.

Any ideas? Please get in touch

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hard-working Afghan refugee seeks room to rent in or near Acton29/04/24 13:43:00 Sara Nathan
   Re:Hard-working Afghan refugee seeks room to rent in or near Acton06/05/24 21:49:00 Sara Nathan
      Re:Re:Hard-working Afghan refugee seeks room to rent in or near Acton18/05/24 16:53:00 Sara Nathan

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