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Topic: Passmore Edwards Centenary
Posted by: Nina Thomas
Date/Time: 16/02/11 10:38:00

This year is the centenary of philanthropist Passmore Edwards, who gave Acton our library and cottage hospital.
Dean Evans, the author of has published a new book 'Funding the Ladder - The Passmore Edwards Legacy' and will be giving public talks at Acton and Dulwich libraries, The Victorian Society and the London Cornish Association. Whitechapel Gallery and the South london Gallery TBC. The Willesden hospital will be holding an exhibition with Brent Archives and the Acton Care home will be formally opening the Passmore Edwards Centenary garden in the summer. All the events are on Facebook at passmoreedwards100
At a Town Hall Team meeting yesterday evening, we were all stunned to hear that the Library is to be sold for a measly half million. It's in no way commensurate to its value as a community asset and adds very little to the regeneration budget but developers pay low rates for listed buildings.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 10:38:00 Nina Thomas
   Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 11:27:00 Dee Cook
      Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 12:46:00 Nina Thomas
         Re:Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 13:44:00 Dee Cook
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 15:59:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary17/02/11 21:45:00 Shao-Ying Ben-Nathan
   Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary16/02/11 17:30:00 Iain Muir
      Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary17/02/11 10:13:00 Nina Thomas
         Re:Re:Re:Passmore Edwards Centenary18/02/11 15:36:00 Nancy Duin

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