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Topic: Re:Those who want/ed to decommission Trident have all gone rather quiet over the past few months.
Posted by: Anthony Hawran
Date/Time: 03/10/22 21:33:00

Perhaps some of them have only just now realised that that they have been useful idiots and apologists for Hitler's one time ally in the Moscow Kremlin. By that, I mean Joseph Stalin and most of his successors to date, including Vladimir Putin.

The background to me saying this is the Ribbentrop Molotov Pact, 23rd August 1939, which was in effect the green light for Hitler to start World War Two. Hitler and Stalin became allies. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had become allies.

Hitler would have felt that his back would be safe from the east, when Germany attacked Western Europe in 1940. This was after they and their Soviet ally attacked and partitioned Poland in September 1939. This along with the Soviet Union possessing the Baltic States and parts of Finland. That is rather like the Duchy of Moscovy, under Putin wanting to possess modern present day Ukraine.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Those who want/ed to decommission Trident have all gone rather quiet over the past few months.03/10/22 14:03:00 Rosco White
   Re:Those who want/ed to decommission Trident have all gone rather quiet over the past few months.03/10/22 21:33:00 Anthony Hawran
      Re:Re:Those who want/ed to decommission Trident have all gone rather quiet over the past few months.27/10/22 16:32:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:Those who want/ed to decommission Trident have all gone rather quiet over the past few months.01/11/22 18:47:00 Keith Iddon

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