Forum Message

Topic: Quince Alert!
Posted by: Marlene Plimley
Date/Time: 22/06/19 14:51:00

I was at Acton Market today around noon and Tito, the man who sells fruit and veg has the most lovely quinces. They are from Chile and although I have not cooked them yet, their wonderful fragrance they has filled my house, so I would imagine they are very flavourful.
I make quince jelly, poached quince cake and preserve them in spice.
At £1 per bowl of 4 you can't go wrong!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Quinces wanted18/10/15 23:34:00 Ireen Esmann
   Re:Quinces wanted19/10/15 09:58:00 Marlene Plimley
      Re:Re:Quinces wanted19/10/15 14:53:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:Quinces wanted19/10/15 17:32:00 Ireen Esmann
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Quinces wanted19/10/15 22:20:00 Sara Nathan
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Quinces wanted22/10/15 11:41:00 Clare Gittins
                  Re:Quinces wanted22/10/15 12:49:00 Ireen Esmann
                     Re:Re:Quinces wanted22/10/15 12:52:00 Richard Grange
                        Quince Alert!22/06/19 14:51:00 Marlene Plimley

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