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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line
Posted by: Mark Evans
Date/Time: 07/03/24 10:57:00

I didn't say supporting him was a sensible position rather that it is difficult to justify a particularly strong opinion on him either way. When set against his likely main opponent, who is so confused about the issue of crime that she thought she was a victim when she wasn't, it is clear why Londoners generally consider him to be the better option.

I haven't seen the interview you refer to but elsewhere I have seen consitently Khan try to be scupulous in his use of data even if, like the lawyer he is, he will present it in the best way possible for his case. I suspect that the exchange you referred to boiled down to semantics.

The subject of crime statistics is a complex one and crime has gone up in London under his tenure but less than the rest of the country and the national crime survey also shows Londoners are less likely to experience crime than the national average. The notion that Sadiq Khan has allowed London to sink into anarchy doesn't stand up to any scrutiny. What seems to drive crime statistics more than anything is police numbers which mainly controlled by national government who supply most of the funding. While the Mayor has to take some responsibility if crime is rising, he can't be made to shoulder all the blame.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 09:42:00 Mark Evans
   Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 16:39:00 Rosco White
      Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 17:00:00 Lee Harding
      Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 18:58:00 Susan Kelly
         Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 19:14:00 Rosco White
   Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line15/02/24 19:17:00 Gareth Sinclair
      Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line21/02/24 17:50:00 Mark Evans
         Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line22/02/24 19:10:00 Gareth Sinclair
   Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line24/02/24 10:44:00 Vlod Barchuk
      Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line26/02/24 20:40:00 Gareth Sinclair
      Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line25/02/24 11:48:00 Rosco White
         Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line26/02/24 20:45:00 Gareth Sinclair
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line27/02/24 08:07:00 Rosco White
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line29/02/24 18:54:00 Gareth Sinclair
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line04/03/24 15:30:00 Vlod Barchuk
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line06/03/24 14:44:00 Mark Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line06/03/24 17:57:00 Rosco White
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line07/03/24 10:57:00 Mark Evans
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line07/03/24 17:00:00 Rosco White
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line08/03/24 08:51:00 Mark Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Welcome to the Mildew Line08/03/24 12:25:00 Vlod Barchuk

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