Forum Message

Topic: Re:My Old China
Posted by: Carl Tamboli
Date/Time: 25/02/24 11:32:00

The menu seems to be significantly cheaper than when it was a My Old China. - perhaps a lesson learnt from them?

Was interested if the food would be as good as before - will also give it a go as the prawn toast before was outstanding - though very pricey.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
My Old China19/07/23 13:20:00 Susan Kelly
   Re:My Old China27/07/23 13:25:00 Nigel Powell
      Re:Re:My Old China01/08/23 20:14:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Re:My Old China12/08/23 08:44:00 Adam Kimmel
            Re:Re:Re:Re:My Old China12/08/23 16:52:00 Susan Kelly
   Renaissance15/12/23 19:55:00 Susan Kelly
      Re:Renaissance23/12/23 16:36:00 Sara Nathan
         Re:Re:Renaissance23/12/23 21:03:00 Susan Kelly
            Re:Re:Re:Renaissance01/01/24 23:56:00 Maire Lowe
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Renaissance06/01/24 22:35:00 Sara Nathan
   Peony22/02/24 20:08:00 Susan Kelly
   Re:My Old China25/02/24 11:32:00 Carl Tamboli

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